Country Furniture Manufacturing Company

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At the CFM Company, we believe that the best place to start conserving and protecting our natural resources is at our shop.  Over the past 20 years, we have never used peanuts, foam, nor boxes in our packaging of our furniture or cabinets since each piece is individually wrapped in a pad or furniture blanket and shipped on specialized air-ride semi-trucks with specialized furniture carriers. And we ship most of our small parts requests with recycled materials to conserve our natural resources. When we need to wood crate fragile parts or large doors for shipping, we use scraps left over from projects.  We recycle all of our sawdust, and wood scrap. Our vendor, Recycle Wood Products processes the materials into products used in the landscaping and ground covering industry. We recycle all our paper, bottles and cardboard on a weekly basis. We minimize the amount of printed material we produce and instead choose to use our website for marketing purposes and the digital distribution of information/catalogs when ever possible. All correspondence, confirmations, receipts, and drawings are emailed instead of mailed.  Our American style furniture collections have used 90% only non-endangered renewable domestic softwoods and hardwoods and sustainable materials for the past 20 years. While we have avoided the use of melamines in our furniture, we embrace it for our closets and garages since it is a recycled and eco-friendly product. We support the trend and efforts of everyone to conserve natural resources, help our environment and appreciate the world we live in. It just makes good sense.


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